Everything You Need to Know About Venus Versa™ Acne Treatment

Acne is frustrating for a number of reasons. That includes the fact that treatments take time to work. You wait weeks, wondering if a specific skincare product will make the difference you need.
That waiting period makes it extra disappointing when your acne proves stubborn. But you’re not stuck with troubled skin, nor do you have to result to pharmaceuticals at that point.
Instead, Elaine Phuah, DO, MBA, FACOI, can use light therapy treatment to alleviate persistent acne. With Venus Versa™ acne treatment at Hanami Medspa in Fort Worth, Texas, she gives you a noninvasive, effective way to get clearer skin.
How light therapy works for acne
Light therapy can treat acne that hasn’t responded to topicals because it works differently. With Venus Versa, Dr. Phuah can directly target the bacteria that causes acne in your pores.
Specifically, breakouts are caused by Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, which thrives in clogged pores. Venus Versa includes a dual-light applicator so it can deliver two types of light at the same time. The first is a blue light. The blue light created by Venus Versa treatment kills P. acnes bacteria, directly reducing your risk for future breakouts.
At the same time, Venus Versa treatment also delivers red light, which reduces inflammation in your skin and supports healing.
On top of all this, Dr. Phuah can also use the Viva™ modality of the Venus Versa system to help reduce the appearance of acne scars, too. The Viva treatment won the 2020 MyFaceMyBody Aesthetic Award for Scar and Skin Repair Treatment of the Year in Canada (where Venus Concept, the creator of Venus technology, is headquartered).
Dr. Phuah uses the Viva applicator differently for acne scar treatment, so talk to her about all of your skin goals. She can incorporate the different treatments you need to improve any issues that are bothering you.
What to expect with Venus Versa light treatment
If you’re curious to see if Venus Versa could help you get clearer skin, you’re probably wondering what these treatments entail.
Good news: they’re convenient and comfortable. Each session takes around 20 minutes and you don’t have any downtime afterward. Because Venus Versa is completely noninvasive and designed with a cooling system, you can relax comfortably as Dr. Phuah performs your light therapy.
Most people see the best results with a series of multiple Venus Versa treatments (usually about eight). Dr. Phuah customizes a treatment program for you and your skin. She’ll let you know how many treatments will help you achieve your skin goals.
Stubborn acne doesn’t have to be a permanent part of your life. With noninvasive Venus Versa treatment, Dr. Phuah can directly target acne-causing bacteria while helping your skin heal. To get started with this treatment, call Hanami Medspa or make an appointment online today.
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