How to Manage Adult Acne

No one wants acne. When it first rears its ugly head during your teen years, you might feel embarrassed. Fortunately, many people grow out of acne by the time they reach their 20s.
But if you’re still living with breakouts and you’re 25 or older, you officially have adult acne. It’s a frustrating feeling, waking up to new acne while your friends get clear skin. But you’re not stuck this way. At Hanami Medspa in Fort Worth, Texas, Elaine Phuah, DO, MBA, FACOI, offers customized acne treatment for adults.
To help you get a handle on your breakouts, here’s what she recommends:
Managing adult acne
Ultimately, your skin is unique. And that means that your adult acne could be caused by any number of things. Some factors that can contribute to breakouts in your adult years include:
- Clogged pores
- Overproduction of oil in your skin
- Your diet
- Bacteria
- Hormones
- Stress
- Your skincare products or makeup
- Medications, including birth control
Because adult acne doesn’t have one singular cause — and usually results from some combination of the above factors — you need a personalized program to treat it. And that’s exactly what Dr. Phuah delivers.
Your acne treatment program starts with an hour-long consultation with Dr. Phuah so she can best understand your skin and things that might be contributing to your acne. From there, she customizes a plan to help you get clear, healthy skin from the inside out.
A breakthrough treatment to help adults with acne
Lifestyle changes like diet modifications (less sugar and dairy, for example), chemical peels, pharmaceuticals, and/or a new skincare routine can make a big difference in your acne. And Dr. Phuah can include all of those treatment options in your program, depending on what’s right for your skin.
But to give you the best possible results as quickly as possible, she also offers an innovative acne treatment: light therapy with Venus Versa™.
This treatment combines blue light — which destroys the bacteria that causes acne — with red light, which helps to reduce inflammation and speed healing. That way, you get fewer breakouts along with support for your skin’s restoration.
Plus, Venus Versa treatment is comfortable and comes with no downtime.
Ultimately, with a series of Venus Versa treatments plus other treatments as necessary to give your skin what it needs, Dr. Phuah gives adults with acne a path to clearer, smoother skin.
You don’t have to be dealing with breakouts during your adult years. To finally get a handle on your acne, call Hanami Medspa or make an appointment with Dr. Phuah online today.
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