If You Receive Botox® and Filler, Here’s Why You Should Consider Adding Energy-Based Treatments

If You Receive Botox® and Filler, Here’s Why You Should Consider Adding Energy-Based Treatments

Whether you’re a longtime patient of Elaine Phuah, DO, MBA, FACOI, or you’re just starting to explore the wide world of medical aesthetics, you’re probably already familiar with cosmetic injectables. These treatments — like Botox® and Juvéderm® — smooth wrinkles across your face. 

You don’t have to stop there. By combining the reliable results of Botox and fillers with energy-based treatments, you can get more dramatic, longer-lasting results. Whether you’re trying to target smoker’s lines, frown lines, crow’s feet, or any other kind of wrinkle, this blend of treatments can deliver even more dramatic results. 

Plus, Dr. Phuah specializes in Botox and fillers and has expertise in energy-based treatments like Stellar M22™ laser resurfacing and triLift treatment. That means you can get everything your face needs to look its youngest and most radiant right here at Hanami Medspa in Fort Worth, Texas. 

How energy-based treatments work

Before we dive into the potent combination of cosmetic injectables and energy-based treatments, it’s first helpful to know what the latter can do for you. 

Many of the leading energy treatments available today — including several that Dr. Phuah uses here at Hanami Medspa — leverage energy. 

With triLift, for example, Dr. Phuah can use radiofrequency skin tightening technology to generate safe, therapeutic heat under the surface of your skin. This encourages your skin to make new collagen and elastin. These two proteins help your skin stay taut and supple. In other words, they work in tandem with Botox and fillers to smooth wrinkles and de-age your face. Plus, triLift can deliver dynamic muscle stimulation, further tightening your face. 

Dr. Phuah can also use energy-based treatments to address issues on the surface of your skin, like age spots, large pores, and scars. With options like radiofrequency microneedling and intense pulsed light (IPL) photofacials, she can target other signs of aging on the surface of your skin, moving you toward your overarching cosmetic goals.

What cosmetic injectables and energy-based treatments can do 

Using energy-based treatments alongside Botox and fillers helps you get more dramatic results that last longer. 

Let’s look at smokers’ lines as an example. If you have these vertical lip lines, Dr. Phuah has several FDA-approved injectable fillers she can offer to fill them in. That’s a great start. 

But if you pair your filler with radio frequency microneedling, you also help your skin build new collagen and elastin around your lips. That way, as the fillers fade — something that happens naturally in a year or two — your face has a new support structure it can lean on to keep those lines from coming back. 

Ultimately, adding energy-based treatments to your cosmetic injectables can help you get a younger-looking complexion that lasts. To see which treatments Dr. Phuah would recommend in a plan tailored to you and your cosmetic goals, call Hanami Medspa or make an appointment online today. 

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